Starbucks Project Management Plan – Capstone

The last assignment for this course will be the final paper/capstone where you put all of the submitted works together as a polished submission the pay is 85.00

Using your previous MBA coursework, make changes to your business implementation plan and audiovisual presentation according to earlier instructor feedback. Then submit the complete project including Capstone Component 1: Business Implementation Plan and Capstone Component 2: Audiovisual Presentation. Be sure to include your executive summary, which was not covered in the milestones. These should be complete, polished artifacts containing all of the critical elements of the capstone project. They should reflect the incorporation of feedback gained throughout the course. 

Note: For grading purposes, the two components of the capstone project operate together to comprise the whole capstone experience and are not assessed separately. You will be evaluated on both as a unit in determining whether you have demonstrated proficiency in each outcome. Your work is expected to meet the highest professional standards. 

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For the capstone assessment, you will create a business implementation plan and audiovisual presentation for the product, service, or idea you have been

developing throughout your MBA coursework. You will be assessed through two artifacts. The first will be a business implementation plan, detailing the concept

and proposed implementation for potential investors or senior managers. The second artifact will be an audiovisual presentation designed to pitch the concept

(including implementation) to the same audience.

To effectively respond to the demands of a rapidly evolving business environment, today’s business managers need to possess a solid grounding in the theory,

best practices, and approaches that drive internal decision-making as well as the various external factors that can impact business choices. Perhaps no function

encompasses as many of these critical skills as ushering a new business idea, product, or service from initial conception to implementation. Throughout your

MBA coursework, you have been working to develop a business concept (product, service, or idea), considering the different elements that impact decision

making and creating a business plan for moving the concept forward successfully. As the final step in your journey toward your Master of Business Administration

degree, your capstone will bring all that work to the doorstep of implementation through the creation of a business implementation plan and an audiovisual

presentation designed to present the idea to potential investors or senior managers. You will integrate the knowledge and skills you have developed in previous

coursework and over the duration of the term with the goal of having a “ready to launch” project that you can present to an employer or potential financial

backer moving forward.

The capstone project is composed of two components. The first is a business implementation plan detailing your concept and its proposed implementation for

potential investors or senior managers. This plan should show potential supporters that you have done your homework and assure them that you have covered

all the details necessary to ensure that their money and/or time will be well invested. The second component, an audiovisual presentation (such as a webcam

recording or PowerPoint presentation with audio), will allow you to design and practice your “pitch.” In it, you will briefly present the key features of your

concept (including implementation) with an eye toward convincing busy business executives and potential investors to support your idea. Because many MBA

programs end with the creation of a business plan, your ability to take the next step in planning for implementation will give you an important advantage both in

gaining support for your project and in showcasing your ability to think through all phases of a project.

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