Substance Abuse, sociology assignment help

Prior to engaging in this discussion, review Chapters 7 and 8 in your text, read “Recovering Health Through Cultural Traditions” by Krohn (2013), and review the Instructor Guidance.

Refer to the information in the SOC313 Family Document. For this discussion, address the scenario below based on your assigned family member who is currently experiencing issues with substance misuse and complete the discussion according to the instructions.

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Last Names Beginning with A – E: Lucy Miller is a 20 year old woman who has recently been diagnosed with bipolar disorder. As a coping mechanism for her wild mood changes, Lucy began experimenting with illegal drugs while still in high school and has now become addicted to them.

For your assigned family member, analyze the biology of substance misuse and describe its potential for dependence in certain families and the outcomes of various behaviors.  Is it likely that Lucy, Josh, or Sam had a genetic predisposition to alcohol or substance addition? How does lifespan development make a difference in propensity to misuse substances?  How does the stage of life at which the misuse begins affect the user’s behaviors?

Your initial post must be a minimum of 250 words with at least one scholarly source beyond your textbook

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