terrorist organization quiz help


  1. Which of the following has always been an attraction of terrorism?

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    Civilians and noncombatants are ‘hard targets’ that are easier to attack than conventional state security forces.

    Critical thinking in liberal democracies constitutes a permissive environment for spreading fear among the population.

    Oppressive regimes are more likely to overreact against terrorists and force the people to turn against the government.

    State security forces are ill equipped to mitigate the psychological effects of terrorism, making it a useful tool for weaker parties.

10 points  


  1. What is the difference between US government statistics on terrorism before and after 2004?

    In 2003, analysis of the statistics raised concerns that political interests had manipulated the data to hide counterterrorism successes.

    In 2004, the National Counter Terrorism Center took over production of the statistics using a new method for collection and analysis.

    Prior to 2004, the US State Department conducted the analysis based on data collected by the Department of Homeland Security.

    Statistics before and after 2004 are reported by different agencies, but the differences still allow them to be compared.

10 points  


  1. Current trends in US terrorism data indicate:

    South Asia saw the largest number of incidents between 2005 and 2009.

    The number of terrorism incidents has significantly increased.

    The number of victims per terrorist attack has significantly decreased.

    The ratio of deaths to attacks has been the highest in Africa.

10 points  


  1. Which of the following is correct?

    An event may be termed “terrorism” based on a number of variables only dependent on the event itself.

    Incidents carried out by individuals or small groups are less likely to be referred to as “terrorism”.

    Incidents carried out by large organizations are more likely to be referred to as “terrorism”.

    Terrorist organizations prefer to represent themselves as reflecting the will of a large constituency.

10 points  


  1. Which of the following is NOT an aspect shared by almost all the definitions for terrorism counterterrorism organizations use?

    The incidents are deadly

    The motives are political

    The perpetrators are non-stat actors

    The targets are civilian non-combatants

10 points  


  1. Which of the following is the definition of terrorist used in our course?

    Acts of political violence by groups or individuals who deliberately target civilians or noncombatants in order to influence the behavior and actions of targeted publics and governments.

    Political violence or the threat of violence by groups or individuals who deliberately target civilians or noncombatants in order to influence the behavior and actions of targeted publics and governments.

    Political violence or the threat of violence by groups or individuals who deliberately target civilians or noncombatants in order to influence the behavior and actions of targeted publics.

    Political violence or the threat of violence by terrorist organizations who deliberately target civilians or noncombatants in order to influence the behavior and actions of targeted publics and governments.

10 points  


  1. Which of the following is an example of a nationalist terrorist group?

    The ALF

    The AUC

    The FARC

    The PLO

10 points  


  1. Who first advocated the concept of “propaganda of the deed”?

    18th century revolutionaries

    19th century anarchists

    Post-WWI left-wing radicals

    Post-WWII right-wing radicals

10 points  


  1. What year marks the advent of modern terrorism?





10 points  


  1. How long is the life cycle for most terrorist movements?

    15 years

    25 years

    35 years

    45 years

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