the four playwrights, film homework help

Part 1:

Response to the question below in no more than 25 lines. Include the question in your well written response incorporation terminology learned this semester and referencing specific plays and playwrights read.

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– Select one playwright and play from the four playwrights attached below and discuss how their cultural history shaped them, their message and their audience.

Consider: How did they portray community? How did their message effect society? What was the purpose of their play? Who was their audience?

Please write in the third person point of view, use proper grammar and syntax and support any general statements with details to illustrate your point of view. Reference the specific playwright and play.

Part 2 :

Response to the question below in no more than 25 lines. Include the question in your well written response incorporating terminology learned this semester and referencing specific plays and playwrights read.

– Select a different play and assess what the play revealed about the culture presented.

Consider: Do you agree with the cultural presentation? Should it be presented at all? What essential factors were included or excluded?

Please write in the third person point of view, use proper grammar and syntax and support any general statements with details to illustrate your point of view. Reference the specific playwright and play.

– Choose 2 from the 4 play responses i wrote during the semester. See which fit best for each part.

Plays :

Anna in the Tropics – by Nilo Cruz

Pride and Prejudice – by Jane Austen

Antigone – by Sophocles

Zoot Suit – by Luis Valdez

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