Who can write a 205 words paper related to psychology?

  1. What are some of the psychological techniques used to help people? (psychodynamic, humanistic, cognitive, behavioral, pharmacological, biological)
  2. What types of therapies do you think work best for different types of psychological problems (i.e., individual, group, family, couples’ counseling) ?
  3. What types of risks are involved in clinical psychology? Describe ethical considerations to keep in mind.

Option 2: You will benefit most from completing Seminar option 1. However, if you are unable to attend you have the opportunity to make up the points by listening to the Seminar archive and writing a paper summarizing the Seminar. You must make sure you address the questions above in your paper. You should create your paper in MS Word and your work should be formatted in APA style. Your paper should be composed in complete sentences and paragraphs and be at least 500 words in length. You should submit your work to the Unit 6: Seminar Dropbox by the end of the unit.

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