life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness quiz,history homework help

“Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” are known as these types of rights. (Points : 1)  

Question 3. 3. The plan introduced at the Constitutional Convention that provided for a federal government that would be a combination of the states and a national government was known as the (Points : 1)





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Question 4. 4. Harold Lasswell’s statement of “who gets what, when, and how” is one definition of (Points : 1)





Question 5. 5. This aspect of the U.S. Constitution ensures that all of the branches must work together and that no one branch can solely influence individual citizens’ liberties. (Points : 1)





Question 6. 6. Which of the following is a flaw of the Articles of Confederation? (Points : 1)





Question 7. 7. The plan introduced at the Constitutional Convention that provided for a strong central government was known as the (Points : 1)





Question 8. 8. The conservative idea that limitations should be placed on state actions is known as (Points : 1)





Question 9. 9. The idea that the function of government is only to protect individual rights is known as (Points : 1)





Question 10. 10. The framers of the Constitution did not choose to establish a direct democracy because (Points : 1)





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