Week 14: Final ExamWeek 14: Final Exam

Week 14: Final Exam – Locked 11:59 PM
Week 14: Final ExamWeek 14: Final Exam
English 1010 Final Assessment Prompt

The Internet has completely changed the way we communicate and share information. Millions of Americans use social media to stay in touch with friends and family, develop online profiles, exchange photos, and share ideas. Proponents of social media say that this online communication provides emotional support, facilitates social change, and aids in the rapid dissemination of information. However, opponents say that it prevents face-to-face communication, changes the way we think about and process information, and creates a narcissistic personality in its users. 

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Sources: (These are in correct MLA format for titles in works cited items.) 

“Sharing the (Self) Love: The Rise of the Selfie and Digital Narcissism”

“Mirror, Mirror on the Web”

“Narcissism or Openness?: College Students’ Use of Facebook and Twitter”

“Altruism in the Digital Age”

Social Networking’s Good and Bad Impacts on Kids.

Elements to include:

Use the at least two of the five sources to help you explain this issue and/or to support your argument. 
Employ a number of audience appeals—logical, emotional, and ethical.
Give your own claims and provide sufficient supporting evidence.
Consider different viewpoints and refute opposition points.
Cite your sources in MLA style and provide a Works Cited page.

Introduction: Catch the reader’s attention to this topic in an interesting way; include an argumentative thesis.

Body of Paper (three or four paragraphs): State your claims, give supporting evidence—facts, statistics, authoritative opinions, examples.

If in your reading you find opposing views, you may prefer to refute the opposition in each body paragraph or to include a refutation in a separate section before your conclusion.

You may decide to begin by addressing the opposition’s arguments and then to follow with a presentation and defense of your position.

Conclusion: Write more than a simple summary of what you have already written. You might save a substantial insight for this final paragraph or project the future outcome of your suggestions.

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