Short Paper on Kant (Philosophy)

Introduction to Philosophy

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Short Paper on Kant

Kant famously–and controversially–argued that some knowledge is “synthetic a priori.”  Can you explain in your own words what Kant might have meant by this term and why it is so important to how he thinks we understand new things we find in the world, and can you give an example of the sort of knowledge that Kant believed possessed this strange status?

HINT: To answer this question in a clear and well-organized manner, you might want to first explain and illustrate Kant’s distinction between a priori (pure) and a posteori (empirical) knowledge and also his distinction between analytic and synthetic judgments.

Please ensure that your essay addresses each component of the assigned questions and that your answer is well-organized, uses excellent, college-level prose, and makes judicious use of textual evidence. Your essay should be 600-900 words long.

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