Soc 312 W3 Child Family & Society Journal

The Truth About Lies

In the textbook, you read about prosocial lies and antisocial lies. In the case of prosocial lies, parents and caregivers teach children the value of telling “white lies” to avoid hurting the feelings of others even as they are teaching children to be truthful. How does this practice influence the moral development of young children? Are the values that are being passed on to children by teaching them to lie for the sake of politeness in opposition to teaching them to be honest? Why or why not? Do you believe that the social norm of telling “white lies” is harmful to society? If so, why? If not, why not?

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For your journals, you should be following the APA formatting rules and the journal should be 1-2 pages long, but more importantly, please answer the questions completely and answer each part of the question.

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