The Growing National Debt, assignment help


1. Review the following links, or others you would like to consult, to formulate your ideas about Taxation Policy in the United States.

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2. Construct a Power Point Briefing Presentation stating your views on this issue. The briefing should include a fair and balanced presentation of factual evidence in support of your position.

Power Point Briefing Presentation Rubric – “Taxation Policy”

Name, date, class, and professor’s name should be the first slide to keep assignments organized. Assume the second slide is the opening to your power point presentation. (This means that you are permitted a total of 26 slides, but only 25 slides have assignment content). Minimum/Maximum Number of Slides in Presentation: No fewer than 15, no more than 25. (With one additional slide for Name/Class Information – making 26 Slides to submit). Slides are for major presentation points. You are not to simply copy and paste information on to slides without editing the content for unnecessary words and phrases. Additional information and footnotes belong at the bottom space provided below each slide. Remember: Your task is NOT to summarize, but to take a position and make a case for that position by fulfilling the elements of the assignment outlined below. Please review the grading rubric for areas of information you need to include in your presentation.

Images: Use of images in Power Point Presentations can make slides more interesting and enrich content. Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words!

Grades awarded for:

  • Comprehensive Coverage of Topic
  • Insightful Analysis of Focus Issue
  • Clarity of Presentation
  • Visually Appealing Presentation
  • Meeting Required Minimum and Not Exceeding Required Maximum Number of Slides
  • Conforming to Expected Spelling and Grammatical Standards – Edit and Review Your Work
  • Presentation Uses Correct Assignment Format
  • Correct Use of MLA Style for Works Cited
  • Succinct Presentation Grading Criteria:

This assignment is worth 50 points toward you course grade. Refer to the following table to understand how the briefing presentation will be graded:

Power Point Briefing Presentation Rubric

Introduction of Issue – Image/Graphic and Title to Introduce Presentation

5 points

Clearly Define Tax Policy Presented

5 points

Advanced an Argument, Comparison/Contrast Analysis, or Theory

5 points

Related Significance of Issue to United States Politics/Elections

5 points

Defined Key Terms

5 points

Presentation Factual Evidence in Fair and Balanced Format

5 points

Chronological Sequence of Development of Policy

5 points

Presentation Evidence Presented in Clear Format/Evaluated Critically

5 points

Six Appropriate Sources/Sites

5 points

Spelling, Grammar, Punctuation

5 points


Students will learn the importance of taxation policies by presenting a cost v. benefit balanced analysis.


This assignment is worth 50 points toward your total course grade.

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