the Industrial/Organizational Psychology program , psychology homework help

Your post should be at least 300–400 words. Choose one major topic in the field of cognitive psychology that would apply to your concentration, such as attention, memory, perception, reasoning, or language. Locate a scholarly journal article that relates this topic to your concentration.

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Summarize the key points of the article for your classmates.

Describe how the information in the article can be used in working with clients in your concentration.

For example, a student in the Industrial/Organizational Psychology program may be interested in learning how perception and work environment affect attitudes in the workplace. You may locate an article on how companies use psychological knowledge to improve the positive perception of their brand. You would summarize the article and then describe how you could use this information in your future career.

* Note: This iis only a discussion, please don’t do a header or page number, you can send it to me as note. Thanks! 

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