please see my question below.

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Summary: the breaking of the Classical canon; modern attitudes and Classicism; the rise of France as an intellectual power in the arts and summary of trends; architectural theory of the late 1600s and early 1700s; the extremes of character and summary of theory of the 1700s; the rise of Gothic as key role in shift from imitation to imagination; the search for a new style; the blurring of art and everyday life; the machine as the source for a new style; the universal as a pursuit of the modern; intellectualization and alienation in the modern metropolis; architectural reactions to concepts of reality – universalism, four- dimensional space, self-referential object, social awareness, and the rise of theory; discourse and disciplines 
Bryant, “Timely untimeliness, Architectural modernism and the idea of the Gesamtkunstwerk” in Tracing Modernity, 156-172
Mitrović, Philosophy for Architects, 189-191 Leach, “Seduction, the Last Resort” in The
Anaesthetics of Architecture, 71-88 
In your final Journal entry, please consider a contemporary work of architecture where design theory considerations are evident.You should select a building or site where you can find enough material to support a close reading of the theoretical impulses of the designer(s).In your Journal, you should make use of themes emerging from a minimum of two (2) Modules we have covered this term.For example, you might look at Beauty and Truth or Meaning and Ethics.Any combination of Modules is acceptable.Your essay will be evaluated based on how well you apply course ideas to an analysis of your building.
Note: since this Journal is self-directed, I urge you to use an outline and to take care in constructing your thoughts.I will be looking for a well-considered and organized piece of writing.Your answer should be succinct and relevant to the question, being approximately 500 words in length. Reference notation will not count towards the total word count (bibliography/footnotes).
Journal Entry (25 points)

  • Timely Submission (1 point)
  • Strong and well organized thesis statement (2 points)
  • Presence of critical thinking and analysis – Correctly interpreting lecture material and integrating it into essay (10 points)
  • Use of at least two external citations from books, book chapters, or academic journals (5 points)
  • Use of first source material – original writing of the theorist/philosopher (2 points)
  • Quality of writing and organizational structure, grammar and spelling (5 points)

References will be in either MLA or Chicago style. The journal entry should build from the course material and is the major mechanism for determining the student’s retention and comprehension of the material.  References to the lecture material and a return to first source writings is necessary.  Relating the theme’s content to contemporary concerns is also required.

Module 10: Summary
Module 10 has 15 pages of content. Each page contains an audio lecture that should automatically play. A link to download the audio file is also posted if you have difficulties with the autoplay feature.

Truth, purpose, critique, pleasure

Intellectual Period: Greek Classical  — Theme: Summary  —
 Personage: Plato & Aristotle  — Chronology: 500– 300BC — Discipline: Philosophy
Click here to download the audio file and listen 
DesignTheory.01_15-Summery-Classical Thought.mp3

Breaking of the Classical canon 

Intellectual Period: Renaissance  — Theme: Summary —  Personage: Serlio, Vignola  — Chronology: 1475– 1573– Discipline: Architectural Theory
Click here to download the audio file and listen 
Modern attitudes and Classicism

Intellectual Period: Renaissance  — Theme: Summary  —  Personage: Vasari– Chronology: 1511– 1574 — Discipline: Cultural Theory
Click here to download the audio file and listen 
Rise of France as an intellectual power in the arts, summary of trend

Intellectual Period: Enlightenment  — Theme: Summary  —  Personage: None  — Chronology: 1500-1600’s  — Discipline: History
Click here to download the audio file and listen 

Architectural theory of the late 1600s and early 1700s 

Intellectual Period: Enlightenment  — Theme: Summary  —  Personage: Blondel, Perrault, Guarini, Boffrand  — Chronology: 1600’s  — Discipline: Architectural Theory
Click here to download the audio file and listen 
The extremes of character and summary of theory of the 1700s

Intellectual Period: Enlightenment  — Theme: Summary  —  Personage: Boullee, Ledoux  — Chronology: 1750-1800  — Discipline: Architectural Theory
Click here to download the audio file and listen 
Rise of Gothic as key role in shift from imitation to imagination

Intellectual Period: Modernity  — Theme: Summary  —  Personage: None   — Chronology: 1800’s — Discipline: Cultural Theory
Click here to download the audio file and listen 

The new style – materialist position creation of an ahistorical style 

Intellectual Period: Modernity  — Theme: Summary  —  Personage: None   — Chronology: 1800’s — Discipline: Architectural Theory
ck here to download the audio file and listen 
Realism – blurring of art and everyday life

Intellectual Period: Modernity  — Theme: Summary —   Personage: Constable, Manet, Cubism, Impressionism  — Chronology: 1850-1900 — Discipline: Art Theory

Click here to download the audio file and listenDesignTheory.15_03-summary-Realism.mp3

The machine rather than materials will be the source for a new style

Intellectual Period:Modernism  — Theme: Summary  —  Personage: Wright, Mumford  — Chronology: 1900’s  — Discipline: Architectural Theory

Click here to download the audio file and listen DesignTheory.16_07-meaning-Wright.mp3

The universal as a pursuit of the modern, interconnectiveness of objects, flowing space

Intellectual Period: Modernism– Theme: Summary  —  Personage: None  — Chronology: 1900’s  — Discipline: Architectural Theory

Click here to download the audio file and listen DesignTheory.18_07-summary-space.mp3
Space alone could not address ethical issues – no universal formal aesthetics

Intellectual Period: Modernism– Theme: Summary  —   Personage: Jameson  — Chronology: 1950’s  — Discipline: Cultural Theory

Click here to download the audio file and listen 
Intellectualization and alienation in the modern metropolis

Intellectual Period: Modernism– Theme: Summary  —  Personage: Behrens, Loos  — Chronology: 1900’s  — Discipline: Cultural Theory
Assignment: Read Text Bryant, “Timely untimeliness, Architectural modernism and the idea of the Gesamtkunstwerk” in Tracing Modernity, 156-172.

Click here to download the audio file and listen 
Architectural reactions to cubism – universalism, four-dimensional space, self-referential object, social awareness, rise of theory

Intellectual Period: Modernism– Theme: Summary  —   Personage: de Stijl, neoplasticism, Purism  — Chronology: 1900’s  — Discipline: Architectural Theory
Click here to download the audio file and listen 
DesignTheory.21_05-summary-early 20th century positions.mp3

Discourse, disciplines, theory 

Intellectual Period: Post-modernism– Theme: Summary  —  Personage: Foucault   — Chronology: 2010 –>  — Discipline: Architectural Theory
Assignment: Read Text Mitrović, Philosophy for Architects, 189-191; Leach, “Seduction, the Last Resort” in The Anaesthetics of Architecture, 71-88.

Click here to download the audio file and listen 

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