Need help with a two part paper

Need help with a two part paper. I need the first part by September 15th and then the final part by October 5th. I have attached the instructions for each part of the paper. If you need me to look up references from the Ashford library for this assignment please let me know.

First Part of final paper.docx 

Grading Rubic for final paper preparation.docx 

Final Paper.docx 

Final Paper grading rubic.docx 

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Late 20th Century African-American Artists Discussion Question, art & design homework help

“Late 20th Century African-American Artists; Postmodern Influences: Please respond to one (1) of the following, using sources under the Explore heading as the basis of your response:

  • Key late 20th century African-American artists included Bearden, Lawrence, Basquiat, or Colescott. Pick (2) to compare and contrast; including specific elements of the works from the chosen artists that represent the multiplicity of the African-American experience. Identify one (1) of these works discussed that you would like in your workplace, and explain why.
  • Why is postmodern architecture important to current architecture developments? Choose one (1) example of architecture that you believe best exemplifies the characteristic post-modern style. Provide a rationale for your selection, and describe two (2) of the features of post-modern style that you find intriguing.


African American Artists of the Twentieth Century

Postmodern Architecture

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Healthcare Essay, political science homework help

This is part one of the class project assessments. Click here to see the overview of the assignments.

Complete a research essay on the government and healthcare. Remember this is being written for the president to read.

The U.S. healthcare system has been a controversial topic for decades. Here are the aspects and questions to address for this essay:

  1. Identify a current issue being debated about the American healthcare system.
  2. Explain two competing solutions to this problem.
  3. Evaluate which one is preferable.
  4. Address the responsibilities of each level of government, which are federal, state, and local. (Most of the essay will be about the federal government).


  • 300 word minimum length, not including references listed at the end or footnotes if used.
  • Incorporation of concepts and terms from the required readings.
  • Inclusion of facts from a recent news article about the topic/solution.
  • Correct spelling, grammar, and formatting, whether it’s APA, MLA, or Chicago/Turabian.
  • See the essay rubric for further details on grading.
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Research paper 3 – 5 pages only. APA style

  • Research the path of someone in your area of Mastery.

  • Outline key learnings about their Mastery journey from your research into the

    three “Keys to Mastery” steps of the creative task, the creative mind and the

    creative breakthrough (Mastery, p. 175 – 201). (Pages below)

  • Provide a reflection on which of the “Emotional Pitfalls” (p. 202 – 204) your

    Master may have faced.

  • Reflect upon which of the nine people profiled in the “Strategies for the Creative-

    Active Phase” (p. 205 – 246) your Master’s journey is most closely related to.

APA formatting is required for this research paper. Use at least four research resources (with at least two of the sources sourced through the Full Sail University library research databases such as EBSCOhost and LexisNexis Academic)

Must read these pages  first in order to complete assignment:


…Several things dovetailed in my mind, & at once it struck me, what quality went to form a Man of Achievement especially in Literature & which Shakespeare possessed so enormously—I mean Negative Capability, that is when man is capable of being in uncertainties, Mysteries, doubts, without any irritable reaching after fact & reason….


If we think deeply about our childhood, not just about our memories of it but how it actually felt, we realize how differently we experienced the world back then. Our minds were completely open, and we entertained all kinds of surprising, original ideas. Things that we now take for granted, things as simple as the night sky or our reflection in a mirror, often caused us to wonder. Our heads teemed with questions about the world around us. Not yet having commanded language, we thought in ways that were preverbal—in images and sensations. When we attended the circus, a sporting event, or a movie, our eyes and ears took in the spectacle with utmost intensity. Colors seemed more vibrant and alive. We had a powerful desire to turn everything around us into a game, to play with circumstances.

Let us call this quality the Original Mind. This mind looked at the world more directly—not through words and received ideas. It was flexible and receptive to new information. Retaining a memory of this Original Mind, we cannot help but feel nostalgia for the intensity with which we used to experience the world. As the years pass, this intensity inevitably diminishes. We come to see the world through a screen of words and opinions; our prior experiences, layered over the present, color what we see. We no longer look at things as they are, noticing their details, or wonder why they exist. Our minds gradually tighten up. We become defensive about the world we now take for granted, and we become upset if our beliefs or assumptions are attacked.

We can call this way of thinking the Conventional Mind. Under pressure to make a living and conform to society, we force our minds into tighter and tighter grooves. We may seek to retain the spirit of childhood here and there, playing games or participating in forms of entertainment that release us from the Conventional Mind. Sometimes when we visit a different country where we cannot rely upon everything being familiar, we become childlike again, struck by the oddness and newness of what we are seeing. But because our minds are not completely engaged in these activities, because they last only a short while, they are not rewarding in a deep sense. They are not creative.

Masters and those who display a high level of creative energy are simply people who manage to retain a sizeable portion of their childhood spirit despite the pressures and demands of adulthood. This spirit manifests itself in their work and in their ways of thinking. Children are naturally creative. They actively transform everything around them, play with ideas and circumstances, and surprise us with the novel things they say or do. But the natural creativity of children is limited; it never leads to discoveries, inventions, or substantial works of art.

Masters not only retain the spirit of the Original Mind, but they add to it their years of apprenticeship and an ability to focus deeply on problems or ideas. This leads to high-level creativity. Although they have profound knowledge of a subject, their minds remain open to alternative ways of seeing and approaching problems. They are able to ask the kinds of simple questions that most people pass over, but they have the rigor and discipline to follow their investigations all the way to the end. They retain a childlike excitement about their field and a playful approach, all of which makes the hours of hard work alive and pleasurable. Like children, they are capable of thinking beyond words—visually, spatially, intuitively—and have greater access to preverbal and unconscious forms of mental activity, all of which can account for their surprising ideas and creations.

Some people maintain their childlike spirit and spontaneity, but their creative energy is dissipated in a thousand directions, and they never have the patience and discipline to endure an extended apprenticeship. Others have the discipline to accumulate vast amounts of knowledge and become experts in their field, but they have no flexibility of spirit, so their ideas never stray beyond the conventional and they never become truly creative. Masters manage to blend the two—discipline and a childlike spirit—together into what we shall call the Dimensional Mind. Such a mind is not constricted by limited experience or habits. It can branch out into all directions and make deep contact with reality. It can explore more dimensions of the world. The Conventional Mind is passive—it consumes information and regurgitates it in familiar forms. The Dimensional Mind is active, transforming everything it digests into something new and original, creating instead of consuming.

It is hard to say exactly why Masters are able to retain their childlike spirit while accumulating facts and knowledge, when such a feat has been difficult if not impossible for so many. Perhaps they found it harder to let go of childhood, or perhaps at some point they intuited the powers they could have by keeping their childhood spirit alive and bringing it to bear in their work. In any event, achieving the Dimensional Mind is never easy. Often, the childlike spirit of Masters lies dormant in the Apprenticeship Phase as they patiently absorb all of the details of their field. This spirit then comes back to them as they attain the freedom and opportunity to actively use the knowledge they have gained. Often it is a struggle, and Masters go through a crisis as they deal with the demands of others to conform and be more conventional. Under such pressure, they may try to repress their creative spirit, but often it comes back later with double intensity.

Understand: we all possess an inborn creative force that wants to become active. This is the gift of our Original Mind, which reveals such potential. The human mind is naturally creative, constantly looking to make associations and connections between things and ideas. It wants to explore, to discover new aspects of the world, and to invent. To express this creative force is our greatest desire, and the stifling of it the source of our misery. What kills the creative force is not age or a lack of talent, but our own spirit, our own attitude. We become too comfortable with the knowledge we have gained in our apprenticeships. We grow afraid of entertaining new ideas and the effort that this requires. To think more flexibly entails a risk—we could fail and be ridiculed. We prefer to live with familiar ideas and habits of thinking, but we pay a steep price for this: our minds go dead from the lack of challenge and novelty; we reach a limit in our field and lose control over our fate because we become replaceable.

What this means, however, is that we equally possess the potential to spark this innate creative force back to life, no matter how old we are. Experiencing a return of this creative force has an immensely therapeutic effect on our spirits and on our career. By understanding how the Dimensional Mind operates and what helps it flourish, we can consciously revive our mental elasticity and reverse the deadening process. The powers that the Dimensional Mind

(Greene 175-177)

Greene, Robert. Mastery. Penguin Books, 11/2012. VitalBook file.

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Reflection Paper on Personal Philosophical Issue, writing homework help


papers allow you to reinforce what you have learned through coursework,

lectures and personal experience. They are great for synthesizing

theoretical knowledge with applied experience and help you organize

thoughts methodically to gain more from your practical experiences.

Although reflection papers focus on personal feelings and experiences,

they often require multiple sources and frequent use of concrete


Instructions: Write a reflection paper that critically examines a philosophical issue taken from the context of your life. You may choose the topic for your reflection and relate it to any of our sections from class: Introduction to Philosophy, Epistemology, Social-Political Philosophy. Your paper must reference material from at least 2 authors Billie Holiday and Nina Simone material, and 2 authors such as Descartes & Hume, Locke, Russel and James, Rorty and Dennett reads in Pojman. You may use Powerpoints, class notes, and class discussions for review. You must also submit an electronic version of your paper in addition to bringing a printed copy to class on November 15. Do both to earn full points for the assignment.

Due Date: November 15

Paper Details: 4-5 pages length, double-spaced, 12 point font, 1’’ margins, meeting the proper scholarly criteria for MLA format

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Mischel & Shoda, Response to fellow classmate – Stella Duru Week 5 DQ 1 help

Mischel & Shoda, (1995) acknowledged the fact that the grounds that brought about cognitive revolution in psychology was established three decades ago. With specific variables to help in the study of how an individual responds to stimuli, and using that to construct a behavioral pattern. Variables which included “the individual’s encodings or construal (of self, other people, situations); expectancies (about outcomes and one’s own efficacy); subjective values; competencies (for the construction and generation of social behavior); and self-regulatory strategies and plans in the pursuit of goals” (Mischel & Shoda, However they pointed out that in the past psychologist tried to connect why an individual’s behavior does not often relate to the situation they find themselves, nor could they provide supportive data to prove that “with the fundamental assumption and intuitive conviction that personality must be stable on the other hand”(pg.256). Mischel & Shoda, (1995) explained that the cognitive-affective system theory of personality breaks away from such misconceptions, by the acceptance of the fact that an individual’s behavior varies due to the uniqueness of the personality system. By predicting that an individual’s behavior depending on the environment will change from one situation to another. And backed by todays modern computers which provide near-perfect simulations, the computer provided a successful illustration of how “Individual differences in the patterns of activation pathways among the internal representations determine the relationship between the situation features and the observed behavioral outcomes from the system” (Mischel & Shoda,

Please respond to the above question using 150-250 words. No references are needed unless you want to use them, If you do use a reference please cite in APA 6th edition format.

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european history questions


1. When the Muslim Ottomans and Christian Venetians realized that their arch-enemies, the Spanish and Portuguese, had ‘outflanked’ them by reaching Asia and the Americas directly–rather than via the Mediterranean, they…

a. accepted the inevitable and re-oriented their economy towards agriculture and industry

b. formed a naval alliance with Ming China to seal off the ocean to direct trade from Europe

c. cooperated to build a fleet, but were decisively defeated in a naval battle near the coast of India

d. cooperated to grossly lower their own prices to put the Atlantic powers out of business

2. Venetian and Ottoman warships were usually defeated by the ships of the Atlantic powers because

a. The Atlantic sailships had much more firepower and much longer cruising range

b. the Muslim Ottomans categorically refused to embrace the use of guns and cannons

c. The Muslims had inferior geographical knowledge and had poor maritime charts or navigation skills

d. the Atlantic sailships had higher speed and superior acceleration compared to Ottoman and Venetian galleys

3. Why didn’t the Ottoman Turks or Venetians simply copy the Atlantic-style sailship design?

a. the Koran strictly forbade that any foreign inventions be adopted by Muslims

b. they lacked the artisans and craftsmen to build such complicated vessels

c. they lacked the timber for such heavy ships, or the fuel to cast so many cannon

d. they squandered their resources on Tabouleh

4. Which of these is NOT a reason why the Ottomans, the Indians, or the Chinese did not strongly resist the Western take-over of the oceans?

a. all three have dangerous, exposed land borders and are therefore more oriented to terrestrial warfare

b. all three had relgious or philosophical systems that strongly discouraged trade

c. all three were very wealthy and mostly self-sufficient, so trade did not seem crucial

d. all three were massive, ponderous, bureaucratic empires which did not favor entrepreneurship

5. How is the story of Henry VIII’s marital problems relevant to history?

a. it demonstrates the negative impact of obesity on fertility and traditional sexual politics

b. it helps explain the rivalry between Spain and England, and the breakdown of medieval religion

c. it provides an example of the economic changes caused by the discovery of the Americas

d. because it was he who decided to send the first settlers to colonize Virginia

6. Which of these is NOT a macro-level consequence of the discovery of the Americas?

a. it pumped a HUGE volume of gold and silver into the world economy, ‘turbo-charging’ development

b. it ultimately made the Middle East irrelevant, Europeans now bought Asian goods directly

c. it made almost the entire globe one economic, biological WHOLE, for the first time (since Pangea–200 million yrs earlier)

d. it allowed Europe to balance and sustain trade with India and China

e. new wealth brought stability and equality to Europe

7. Which of these is NOT a reason why Europe had an advantage in building powerful navies?

a. good location, long coastlines: islands and peninsulas: Spain, Italy, Holland, Britain

b. large forests of big, strong, water-resistant hardwoods such as oak

c. abundant wood fuel for melting metals to make artillery

d. abundant rivers and watermills powering trip hammers and bellows for weapons-making

e. Justin Bieber’s ancestors’ singing terrorized Chinese and Islamic rivals

8. Which of these conditions in late medieval Europe DID NOT favor the rise of ‘proto-capitalism’?

a. political fragmentation, and therefore a lack of huge empire to enforce monopolies 

b. the breakdown of religion and church and ideas inhibiting or criticizing business or money

c. political alliance between kings and merchants against the peasants and knights

d. absorption/development of Middle Eastern/Asian business and math concepts (agebra, Indian numerals, etc)

e. the traditional practices of communal village life and mutual obligations and duties  of Lords and Vassals

9. Which of these is NOT a reason why Spain–which for a moment, thanks to its enormous conquests and capture of gold and silver–seemed on the brink of taking over the world, soon when into an irreversible decline?

a. Spain got involved in an expensive endless war with the Turks

b. Spain got involved in an 80-year ‘Vietnam War’ in Holland

c. Spain got involved in war against England

d. Spain borrowed too much and stopped producing things

e. Spain broke down with a religious war

f. Spain kicked out Muslims and Jews, losing their talents

10. Even though the Spanish did not take over North America (apart from small outposts in New Mexico and Florida), they still made a deep impact on the lives of natives of what is today the USA because…

a. huge numbers of refugee Aztecs fleeing Cortez invaded the Southwest

b. horses, pigs, and diseases brought by the Spanish escaped into America and changed the natural balance

c. fear of Spanish attack caused North American tribes to begin organizing alliances

d. the knowledge of iron eventually ‘diffused’ into Native American areas, distorting traditional culture

11. Although tons of gold and silver, and enormous diamonds, pearls, and gems are probably the most spectacular examples of how the Europeans got rich in the Americas, which of these also made them huge profits?

a. the exotic, warm weather  cotton that the Europeans used to have to buy at high prices from the Middle East and India, which they could now grow directly themselves

b. tobacco, an addictive stimulant, whose smoke the natives of the Carribean were seen ‘drinking’ and which soon became a huge success in Europe

c. Sugar (from the Arabic ‘Zakar’–as in sacharrin) cane, another exotic Asian warm-weather plant to which the Europeans had first been introduced to during the Crusades, could now be grown directly by them

d. Furs, warm, luxurious, and becoming rarer and rarer in cold Europe

e.  all of these were very profitable

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Have Privilege Assignement

No Plagiarizing please

Prepare a posting that describes your understanding of the concept of privilege using the Monahan (2014) reading and Dr. Flora’s interview as points of reflection.

  • How can the concept of White Privilege be expanded to include gender privilege, class privilege, or heterosexual privilege?
  • Provide an example from your own experience of how a person may experience privilege based on one aspect of their identity and oppression based on another.
  • After listening to the interview with Dr. Flora, do you think the term privilege also applies to the region where someone lives, or the language or dialect he or she speaks? Explain why or why not.


  • Dr. Flora: Rural Stereotyping/Implicit Bias. Click Launch Presentation to play the interview of Dr. Amanda Flora, a professor at Capella University. Dr. Flora shares her insights and research on implicit bias, particularly as it relates to rural populations.

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Essay Assignment Instructions, history homework help

Essay Assignment Instructions

Module 3.  Ruth Rosen, The World Split Open:  How the Modern Women’s Movement Changed America (NY: 

Penguin Books, 2006). ISBN:  978-0-14-009719-1

Prepare a 2( full page)-3 page, typed, double-spaced essay on one of the following questions based on Ruth Rosen, The World Split Open, (if you read that book), as well as lectures, and the documents (from discussions) from section/module 3.

The essays must be in 12 point Times New Roman font, typed, double-spaced.  Do not skip extra lines between paragraphs, 1″ margins, no right justification, and indent one tab each paragraph.  Standard essay format, introduction, with a thesis statement, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.  Written in the 3rd person (he, she, it).  Do not use 1st or 2nd person. 

Please use specific examples from the book and lectures (more than one) and the documents (more than one). Examples from the book should be drawn from throughout the book and not just one chapter.   Significant points will be deducted from any essay that does not use examples from all three.  Remember to cite page reference (book), and paragraph references for lectures and documents.  See below for proper citation.  Limit the use of quoted material to 1 per paragraph.  Do not use long quotes (more than 2 lines). 
No outside research.  This is a formal essay, so do not use slang or contractions.  Remember to introduce the sources used, and for first reference, use the author’s full name. 

The essay should be saved as word documents (doc and docx).  Canvas will not allow you to upload in an alternative format.  Check your essay for grammar, word usage, spelling, proper name spelling, as well as for proper citation.  This is an essay, so it must be in proper essay format, with an introduction, thesis statement, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.  100 pts. each.Late Essay Assignments are not accepted.

Questions to be addressed in your Essay 3 Assignment:

Ruth Rosen: 

1.  In what ways did the modern women’s movement change America?  What was and was not accomplished?  What explains the lack of accomplishment?

2.  What barriers did women face in the 1950s and 1960s?  How did the women’s movement face and challenge those barriers?  In what ways was the movement successful and what limitations were seen?

How to provide proper citation:  When you are writing an essay and using specific examples from the sources

you must introduce the source you are using, provide the paraphrased, summarized, or quoted material and then provide the page number from where that material is drawn at the end of the sentence in which it appears. It would look something like this:  For instance, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, concerned with achieving the vote for women, used the Declaration of Independence as the basis of the Declaration of Sentiments, presented at the Seneca Falls Convention (par. 2). Or something like this:  According to Jean Matthews, the new woman…  (p. 42). 

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Monsters in America, English homework help

Monsters in America
Project chapter 1,2,3,4,5,6and7 make sure each chapter from 1.5 to 2 pages and also make sure each chapter is separate .

As W. Scott Poole’s text will serve as the conceptual framework for the course, this assignment seeks to promote regular critical engagement with the text.

Part 1: Chapter by Chapter Engagement. For each chapter of the text, students will maintain comprehensive, written dossiers separated into three components as follows.

Component 1: Annotated Reflections. (1.5-2 pages) Students will compose written reflections on the material covered, using annotation as a strategy to highlight their perspective and response to the readings. Keeping the principles outlined in Adler’s “How to Mark a Book” in mind while reading, students should seek to identify moments/passages in the text that were illuminating, confusing, instructive, dubious, biased, fascinating, problematic, and so forth.

The written reflection itself should be both specific and representative of the whole range of the required reading, and not simply be from the first few pages of the reading. This piece is a reflection of how the reader interacts with the text; there is no right or wrong, only different levels of academic curiosity and critical thought.

The reflection should include a series of insightful, well-developed entries of select annotations the student has made. Each entry should begin by citing the first few words of the relevant phrase or passage, followed by the page number. The remainder of the entry should examine the significance of the passage. Entries can clarify a reference and explain its significance, explore something that is unclear, or explain why something resonates with the reader, etc. (There is a reason that you made the annotation, and each individual will annotate something different.)

Reflections will be submitted according to the due dates outlined in the weekly schedule. Those students scheduled to present for a given chapter are not required to submit a reflection (see Monsters in America Presentations assignment). An individual grade is not assigned to each reflection; however, reflections will be graded collectively upon the completion of the project. Failure to submit a reflection will result in a 10 point reduction from the overall project grade.

Component 2: Summary. (1 page) Students will compose a summary of the chapter, highlighting the key elements of Poole’s text. These summaries should not exceed one page in length.

Component 3: Vocabulary. Students will maintain a list of unfamiliar words they come across in the chapter. The list should also include the page on which the word was found. Once completing the chapter, students will define these words using a college dictionary and observing the definition appropriate for the word’s usage in context.

Part 2: Comprehensive Reflection. The comprehensive reflection will be a culminating work composed at the end of the semester. Prior to the class, students will have their chapter reflections returned to them for review. The comprehensive reflection will call upon students, using their chapter reflections as their only reference, to treat Monsters in America in its entirety, focusing on their overall impressions of the work as well as anything learned from the text with long ranging applicability beyond the context of the course.

The comprehensive reflection will be graded in conjunction with the previously submitted chapter reflections to determine the final grade for the project.

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